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密封接线柱 Hermetic Terminal Post
D±0.1 D1±0.1 H1±0.5 h±0.1 d±0.1
S4.3-A  4.3    18 9.5   1.5  0.8
SF3.4-A  3.4  5  25 11.4   2.2 0.8 
SF-A   4  5.5 15   7  2.5  1.2

Main Technical Data
1、Insulation Resistance
(1) on less than 1×1011Ω at 20±5℃  (2)on less than 1×1010Ω at 125±2℃
2、Mechanieal Test:These shall be no cracks with glass part and on damages to hermetic body.
(1)Vibration test:3 hours vibration at a frequency of 50±5HZ and an accelerating speed of 15g.
(2)Impact test:4000 times of impacts at an impact frequency of 40-80 times/min and and accelerating speed of 75g.
(3)Centrifugal test:5 minutes at.an accelerating speed of 50g.
3、Moist Test:Insulating resistance shall be no less than 1×1010Ω and there shall be no hydrolysis occurring with the glass part and no dumages to hermefic body after 240 hour test at the femperature of 95±% and under a load which is 120% of the rated DC working voltage.
4、Ltigh Temperature Load:Insulating resistauce shall nemain no less than 1×1010Ω and thest shall be no cracking with glass part and no damages to hermetic body through 240 hour test at the temperature of 125℃ and under a load which is 120% of the rated DC vohage.
5、Temperature Input:Insulating nesistauce shall vmain no less than 1×1010Ω and there shall be no cracking with glass part and no damages to hermetic body through three times of impacts in the femperature rauge of -55~+125℃。
6、Low Atmospheric Pressme Test
These shall be no lrcakown or arcs occurring during the test with the voltage value white is 1.2 times as working volfage under the atmospheric corditious sa specifide in table 2.

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